Toothpick Sugar faked his own dead
[Editor's note: Are you sure this guy's name is Toothpick Sugar? I can't find anything about him on the Internet, which means he doesn't exist.
Writer's reply: I am really not sure of the name, but who cares, these conspiracy nuts don't care about facts, only conspiracies.
Editor's note: Yeah, you're right, let it rip and give us about 500 words. See to it that you delete this before publishing to Blog]
There are those who claim the main reason why the rap star faked his own death is to escape all the ho's and bitches who suddenly claimed for children they claimed he fathered, AFTER he became famous.
Like Toothpick said in his own words: “ I am a great black poet, I am a great american actor, I the greatest black rap star who ever lived, so all I can say is go fuck yourself, suck dick and here eat this.”
There are other nutty conspiracy theorists who also claim that Toothpick Sugar faked his death to get away from the Los Angeles Police who was looking for him to clear up the matter of the death of Lou-Ann Bigboobs, who was found murdered in the rap star's Los Angeles apartment with the words Killed by Toothpick while under the influence of crack, man carved into her body with a bread knife. Although he had lots of lawyers and private detectives working for him, trying to get an alibi, this was too difficult. Because of the all the hype of the last black man who was involved in a murder case, Toothpick knew that this time it was not going to be a case, of “But your honor, the glove doesn't fit my hand, clearly.” He knew that this time he would go to jail.
There are still more nuttier conspiracy theorists who claim that the rap star and actor was nearly bankrupt. Although he made nearly fifty million bucks on a monthly basis from his CD's and also from acting, he blew most of it on cheap ho's and buying up all the drugs you can get from the streets and various Internet sites. When the drug lords start looking for their money, you better pay or disappear completely from this world.
This author, who did a much more thorough research, than most other researcher have nevertheless found the truth.
Toothpick Sugar really did fake his own death. One hot summer's evening while leisurely sucking on a crack pipe he cruised the Internet (black people cruise the Internet, while everybody else surf the Internet) and came upon this book that teaches you how to completely disappear and start out in a new identity. This book showed one how to get legal ID documents, passport, etc. with almost no effort at all, as well as no money down. Before Toothpick knew it he bought the book through Clickbank and downloaded it onto his laptop.
This book really explained in plain language what it claimed in the long advertisement and the next thing you know Toothpick is “dead and buried”.
Yes, gentle reader, Toothpick disappeared into the Los Angelos underground. Today, if you have a problem, if no one else can help you and if you can find him you can hire ... uh, no wrong team, wrong team, sorry, sorry... [Editor's note: what, are you smoking crack, man.]
Toothpick simply adopted a new identity with the information he got from this book. Having the like of outlandish names, this author can now reveal that Toothpick Sugar adopted the name Barack Obama.
America and the world, be afraid, be very afraid...