The Dark Reptilian Overlords are actually a sports team who has been banished to earth
I am glad to see that even our dark Reptilian overlords from Nibiru are reading this web site and its articles. A strange thing came from this when I was contacted by one of them about a week ago.
From the furniture and everything in my house shaking, I knew that something extremely big and heavy was approaching. When I look out the door I saw this huge reptilian approaching. His space ship or hover car was hovering outside my front gate.
He had a harsh gruffness as he spoke in his mother tongue. Luckily he had a universal translator with him which immediately translated anything that I said into his own language.
He told me that his name is B'krabalofoiquoegrafaphe. This is not actually his name, but it is the nearest that we can write it in our comparative primitive language.
We sat down in my garage when he told me the most amazing story I ever heard come out of Lizard's sly mouth.
According to him it is correct that the Reptilians arrived here on earth millions of years ago from the twelfth planet, Nibiru. But they are not here because they were chased away by their wives, or they came here to mine gold or to enslave the earth population.
According to him they came here because they are a failed sports team who have been banished from their home planet. Nibiru is a planet where there is only one culture, everybody dresses the same and there is one religion and one political system – like they usually portray aliens in the movies. But they also play sport against other planets who are on the same level (intellectually and technologically speaking)as they are.
The Nibiru team lost so many matches and was so bad that the planet government decided to banish them from the planet before large riots started. They got so bad that they couldn't even win against relatively much weaker teams who didn't even had the financial support that they had.
I asked B'krabalofoiquoegrafaphe what exactly the sport was that he was talking about. He told me that our culture is too primitive to understand the game but he will try to explain.
The game consists of two teams of eleven players each. They play on a huge rectangular field with lots of lines on it and on each side there is two poles stuck in the ground with a cross pole between them and a net at the back. The game is played with a round ball. This poles with the net at the back is called place-where-ball-must-be-kicked-into-to-score. The object is to kick the ball into the opposing team's place-where-ball-must-be-kicked-into-to-score. They do this by kicking the ball strategically from player to player until a player gets an opening to kick it into the opposing team's place-where-ball-must-be-kicked-into-to-score. The player can also use his head, but never his hands.
The Nibiru Dragons, as they were called was so bad at this game, that it was almost unbelievable. They even tried coaches from other planets to come and train them, but to no avail. They just couldn't make it and became worse and worse.
Then they were banished to earth to spent the rest of their lives here. (Unfortunately they live for billions of years.) They could each take his whole family with and about 400 kilograms of property. They came to Earth in huge pyramid shape star ships.
Out of boredom and because they were so bad at the game that they bored even themselves here on earth they started training the local inhabitants in some of their culture and especially technology.
They found it strange that they were actually good at training the earthlings their culture and also showing them how to use their technology. In no time they had the Sumerians writing on clay tablets with styluses and the Egyptians doing high mathematics and working out pi and stuff like that. The Egyptians became so good at this that they build huge mountain like buildings that looked like the star ship the Niburu Dragons came in, just to get a shadow that looks like a fat man riding in a sleigh being pulled by reindeer fall over their city every 25th of December.
Because they were so utterly bored, the Reptilians decided to call themselves the Dark Ones, the Sons of God and Annunaki (those who from heaven to earth came). They would never tell the locals that they were simply a sports team that stunk and that they were banished to earth.
But now with a lot of new knowledge some of the locals were more evil and entrepreneurial than the others and they sneaked into the buildings where the Reptilians lived.
Here they came upon the DVD's and newspaper clippings of the Annunaki's failure as a sports team. These guys could read the Reptilians' language.
The Reptilians became the laughing stock of earth when everybody found out how they stunk as a sports team in “heaven”. Respect was now out the window and very soon the killing started.
One of the Reptilians' watering systems got damaged during such a raid where they tried to get their stuff back from the humans and this caused the flood that nearly drowned the whole world. This is also the flood where Noah build a big Ark and on which all the other legends like Atlantis, etc. is based, all with little tails added, I must add.
This shocked the Reptilians because they really are not an evil lot, lots of ugly gossip stories about them started doing the rounds now.
To escape the ugly gossip about them, they decided to cool it and they moved deep underground. They are still living there peacefully, hoping that no humans will come bother them.
The thing is that they are enjoying their life underground such a lot that they switched off all their beacons. Their fellows came looking for them for several years now, but they don't know about it, because they broke all communication with the outside world. This is the UFO's that started appearing since the beginning of the twentieth century.
The UFO's are just the Reptilians comrades who came looking for them to tell them that all is forgiven and that they can return to Nibiru, because the replacement team that was establish is even worse then they were and that they can return.
Will they ever get the message one wonders?