The world is being run by Dogs and Mice
People who read conspiracy theories know that the world is being run by dark Reptilian Overlords, the Illuminati, The Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission and Jewish Bankers.
What these readers don't realize is that making them think that the world is being run by the above mentioned idiots are the actual conspiracy.
Just think about it for a moment; will beings who live for millions of years, are super intelligent, have every conceivable technology you can think of, who can control your thoughts, allow themselves to be caught out by lazy, couch potato, I-sit-in-front-of-my-computer-the-whole-day-reading-sites-like-this, retarded, half crazed idiots like most conspiracy theorists are? Never!
The beings who really control everything have designed these theories to keep these theorists and their followers busy hunting nothing bu the wind.
But I, in my wisdom, can not be gotten rid of that easily. I investigated. I researched. I explored. I searched, until Myst became my sorry...that is Myst, I got carried away for a moment there.
In any case, I went after what I wanted, until I got it.
In my meticulous researched for the truth I found out that the world is really being run by, wait for it, Dogs and Mice.
Yes, dogs and mice are the real “dark overlords” of earth. The movie Cats and Dogs were not far off, except that cats are actually the “good” guys. To tell the truth there actually aren't any bad guys, but I will come to that later.
Douglas Adams was the first intellectual who caught on that mice were in charge. To tell the truth he was the only intellectual who did. According to Adams' research the earth was just one big computer that was created by mice to work out a complex problem. The humans were just a part of the matrix of this computer and its programming.
Although this is not exactly right, Adams was abducted the same night that his now famous book; The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy came out. He was abducted by a platoon of space Seal mice who has been specially trained for such missions. With his basic SAS training, Adams had no chance against them. Rest assure, he was not hurt in any way and is now living happily in a colony on Jupiter where he is supplied with all the beautiful girls he could ever want.
He has been replaced by a look a like cyborg on earth. Now his friends know why Mr Adams suddenly became so wooden and like to tell dry unfunny jokes.
In any case, back to the current conspiracy theory of the earth being run by Dogs and Mice.
The earth is definitely not a giant computer as postulated by Douglas Adams. It is actually the bridge of a very huge, humongous, gigantic, extremely big(you won't believe how big it is) spaceship. We humans call this spaceship the Universe. What we call the Universe is actually moving through the real Universe.
The dogs are the crew in charge of running this spaceship, while the mice are the technicians. They don't need tools, because all the tools they need are already part of their bodies. They are to the bridge like nano robots would be to us.
Unfortunately (for us) humans and also other alien life like the Annunaki, are just by-products from one of the many fuels they use to power the spaceship. They really have no dark plans or ill feelings towards us. We will just be vacuumed up by the cleaning crew when the spaceship returns to base to dock. It is nothing personal, just cleaning.
Over the years humans got such a big ego, thinking they are the top specie on earth that the dogs and mice just left it at that. They know who the real boss is, so it really doesn't matter that we think we are all that. As long as humans clean up the poop after dogs, we are safe for the moment.
Oh yes, before I forget. The giant spaceship – of which earth is the bridge - is on five gazillion year mission to explore the universe and boldly go where no spaceship have gone before.
When I read this in one of the secret diaries of the dog from whom I got this information it sounded so familiar to me, but I really couldn't fathom where I heard it before...